Hide My IP Gives You Online Privacy With A Single Click|Review

Seeing a blank white page with some random text telling you that this website is being blocked in your area ? And you want it to be enabled, but sadly the website is being blocked in your area because of geographical or ISP restrictions. So what’s the quickest way of getting accesses to your favorite

SmartyDNS In Our Experience | Review

Many of my friends have asked me, is there any simple way to access restricted websites especially the media websites. Ok I know many of us use VPN technology to get the access. But the problem in using VPN idea is that, due to high end encryption you will have to suffer a lag in

Waterfox 48.0.2 Based On Firefox Stable Build | Download

Waterfox which was released back in 2011 is based on the latest stable build of Mozilla Firefox source code,with an aim to improve the speed. Since the user interface are almost same it takes no time to getting used to it. This name Waterfox is not as popular compared to other well known browsers, but

Vivaldi Download | Windows, Mac And Linux | UPDATED

Vivaldi a new web browser with wide range of features packed in a single roof lands for systems running on Windows, Mac and Linux as technical preview download. Vivaldi browser hands on review Unlike others this one gives preferences to the color of the websites or favicon and shows it on the tab when its